Last updated on 1/8/2025 | Get latest review report for $1
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I can NOT get enough of hearts & hands, every time we come in we have a great time! Abby has been a HUGE support for me & has made us feel so welcomed & included in the HAHOA family! Thank you so much Abby & staff 💕
I love bringing the folks I support here and so do the folks I support. Abby is an amazing art director and is so caring and engaged with everyone she works with. Hearts and hands is truly blessed to have Abby ❤️
Hearts and Hands has such great classes for special needs people, they put a lot of effort into their space and the staff is so kind and caring.
Had a great time yesterday having cheese fondue. I love the activities they put on.
Such an amazing place! I love coming here and helping out with activities. There is so much to do here and everybody is always engaged and happy to be around. I could not recommend visiting here more!
I absolutely love this place and all of the people. My clients and I have made so many friends, have had so many good times, and we’re so excited to continue spending time here. Abi is a wonderful activity director and she’s so helpful and sweet. We can bake, cook, make crafts, play games, attend holiday parties, and so much more at Hearts and Hands. The best part in my opinion is that everyone is welcome here!
Heart and Hands is friendly and their staff is considerate and caring. The staff I’ve met go out of their way to assist everyone have have been so welcoming. Their new facility is beautiful and the events they’ve put on there have been wonderful, doing their best to include the whole community.
I write this Review for Abbey (perhaps spelt wrong, and hope that she may see this review, and that it may go towards her benefit as she deserves it.) I work with an assisted living company where I take clients out into the community for interaction, and participation in events. Today, on instruction from a coworker, I took my client to Jitters coffee in Eagle river for a get together of sorts. I spoke with Abbey on a whim and she invited us to sit down with seven other people. We all enjoyed coffee and played a wonderful, and clever game called “Talking Point” to get to know everyone at the table. The warmth, and inclusivity my client and I experienced was profound. In the course of a few minutes the tension of meeting so many new people melted away from my client and myself. It was as though the nine of us at that table had been good friends who regularly sat together for a friendly game. In my short time at this job, this was the most engaging activity I had been to with my client. Abbey I am so grateful for you being so welcoming and planning such a simple and welcoming event today. Thank you.
Great place to take my clients. Always wants to returns to hang out or engage in activities. Staff are welcoming and warm.
They held a beautiful Easter lunch and egg hunt. It was nice to invite the public. They had the whole building decorated for the holiday and a young lady there played with my toddler. There was a ton of eggs and I was excited to see my little guy egg hunt. To the two moms who had there school age kids filling entire buckets and still going for more shame on you. Seriously teach your kids some manners and it's pretty sad you need free candy that bad to have your older kid walk over a toddler for the last 2 eggs.
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All the information you see here is based on our analysis of internet reviews across the seven major review platforms most used by consumers during their healthcare provider selection. The platforms we selected are Google, WebMD, Yelp, HealthGrades, Facebook, RateMDs, and Vitals. The analysis algorithm uses the compiled data of average score, recency of reviews, number of reviews, and the sentiment expressed in the written comments. It then assigns weight to each parameter based on the available research on how consumers use reviews in their doctor selection process. This report is designed to help identify the doctors with the best overall review score in an area and does not reflect the doctors' competence.
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