Last updated on 1/27/2025 | Get latest review report for $1
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Source: Check DocInfo.Org for any disciplinary action against this provider.
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My wife and I are both grateful we found Dr. Hammond at Carrot Eye Center... John Wolfe, Mesa
A pleasant experience every time, they are never rushing through to get to another patient.
It was great, I can see now better than ever, and the entire procedure went exactly as it was supposed to. Staff is great, awesome positive attitudes and professional, yet down to earth.
My first visit and I was so nervous about having surgery. But by the time I left I was very at ease. People were great and Doc. Was very pleasant. Made me feel very confident about having CATERACT surgery.
Such a clean and nice office. Staff is super nice. Love the doctors. Never feel rushed. And easy to park and get out. Would highly recommend to anyone looking for surgical options or just getting your eyes checked.
Marra was very thorough and pleasant and Dr Herion was great as well .
I had excellent care. Cataract surgery went smoothly and I have wonderful vision. All was perfect. Very caring doctors and office.
The staff there is very friendly very helpful
All the staff are friendly, helpful and professional. Dr Herion is personable and gives good advice. No pressure picking out the right glasses for my budget.
I found out about this business by taking my sister to her eye appointment. The front office was so amazing and sweet and kind that I decided to make an appointment for my self the next week. I arrived and same exact treatment. Sweet, kind thoughtful. I thought man this is nice, consistent, I like this place. Amanda called me back to do the first part of the exam and again very professional, knowledgeable and you could see she loves what she does! The Dr was awesome again took time to listen and talk. Spoke very kindly of his staff and felt like family. I can trust him 100 percent with my eyesight , Mike at the end was the icing on top the cake. He’s fun helped me choose my frames measured some stuff explained all of the insurance stuff and then I was on my way With an actual smile on my face! From start to finish I can’t even find one complaint. I would say it was actually 🤩 I wish I knew the front office young lady because she was so sweet as well and being the first point of contact that means so much. I have FULL confidence in both of the drs. The staff seem to love them and speak very highly of them. Now my husband has an appointment next week and they just gained at least 3 new patients. I would recommend this office to all of my friends. Thank you for caring and doing it right in medicine❤️
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