Scarsdale, NY, is known for its suburban charm and proximity to New York City, making it a hub for wellness and alternative medicine. Acupuncture, a well-established healing technique, has become a popular choice for many seeking relief from chronic pain, stress, and other ailments. Whether you're looking for a relaxing therapy session or specialized care, Scarsdale and its surrounding areas offer some of the best acupuncture clinics in the region.
Based on an analysis of patient reviews from trusted platforms, we’ve identified the top 3 acupuncture clinics in the area. After evaluating 46 clinics across Scarsdale and nearby areas, these practices stand out for their exceptional service, patient care, and expertise.
Want to learn how we selected these clinics? Click here to see our selection process.
All the information you see here is based on our analysis of internet reviews across the three major review platforms most used by consumers during their healthcare provider selection. The platforms we selected are Google, Yelp, and Facebook. The analysis algorithm uses the compiled data of average score, recency of reviews, number of reviews, and the sentiment expressed in the written comments. It then assigns weight to each parameter based on the available research on how consumers use reviews in their doctor selection process. This report is designed to help identify the doctors with the best overall review score in an area and does not reflect the doctors' competence.
At ScoreDoc, our objective is to save you time and resources while assisting you in finding the ideal medical institution for all of your requirements. Also, we recognize the importance of keeping medical information private, and hence we never save any information about you in a cookie. We only track how many times a doctor's scorecard was checked, not who checked it. You can save the reputation scorecard link for future use or can return and redo the scorecard. Learn more about our privacy policy here.
We recognize the importance of reviews in your selection of a healthcare provider. While we strive to make the information in this report as accurate as possible, ScoreDoc makes no claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the contents of this report and is not liable for errors and omissions in the materials. ScoreDoc works with a 3rd party to collect data for generating this report. We encourage you to review the report for accuracy by visiting individual review platforms of doctors of interest based on their overall review score. We suggest you consider this report as initial input and independently verify all info before deciding on your healthcare provider.
2054 Central Park Ave, Yonkers, NY 10710
Life Spring Acupuncture Clinic in Yonkers is known for its holistic approach to healing, offering acupuncture treatments that address a wide range of health concerns, from chronic pain to stress management. Patients appreciate the clinic's welcoming atmosphere and the thoroughness of the treatments provided.
The clinic has built a strong reputation for providing gentle, effective treatments that make a significant impact on the health and well-being of its patients. Many patients highlight the professional and friendly nature of the staff, as well as the relaxing environment.
1075 Central Park Ave, Suite 107, Scarsdale, NY 10583
Millennium Medical and Rehab Physical Therapy in Scarsdale combines acupuncture with physical therapy to provide comprehensive care to patients. The clinic is particularly known for its expertise in treating musculoskeletal issues and sports injuries.
Patients rave about the clinic’s personalized care, the professionalism of the staff, and the effectiveness of treatments. Whether it's for injury recovery or pain relief, Millennium Medical and Rehab provides excellent, results-driven acupuncture services.
111 N Central Ave, Hartsdale, NY 10530
Westchester Acupuncture in Hartsdale offers a variety of acupuncture treatments aimed at improving overall health and well-being. The clinic is known for its skilled practitioners who provide targeted treatments for conditions like stress, digestive issues, and chronic pain.
Patients appreciate the personalized approach to care and the calming atmosphere of the clinic. The team’s professionalism and effective treatments have made this clinic a top choice for many in the Hartsdale area.
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