3 Best Psychiatry Centers in Colorado Springs, CO

(Backed by Patient Reviews and Ratings)

Jul 24, 2024


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3 Best Psychiatry Centers in Colorado Springs, CO

All the information you see here is based on our analysis of internet reviews across the three major review platforms most used by consumers during their healthcare provider selection. The platforms we selected are Google, Yelp, and Facebook. The analysis algorithm uses the compiled data of average score, recency of reviews, number of reviews, and the sentiment expressed in the written comments. It then assigns weight to each parameter based on the available research on how consumers use reviews in their doctor selection process. This report is designed to help identify the doctors with the best overall review score in an area and does not reflect the doctors' competence.

At ScoreDoc, our objective is to save you time and resources while assisting you in finding the ideal medical institution for all of your requirements. Also, we recognize the importance of keeping medical information private, and hence we never save any information about you in a cookie. We only track how many times a doctor's scorecard was checked, not who checked it. You can save the reputation scorecard link for future use or can return and redo the scorecard. Learn more about our privacy policy here.

We recognize the importance of reviews in your selection of a healthcare provider. While we strive to make the information in this report as accurate as possible, ScoreDoc makes no claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the contents of this report and is not liable for errors and omissions in the materials. ScoreDoc works with a 3rd party to collect data for generating this report. We encourage you to review the report for accuracy by visiting individual review platforms of doctors of interest based on their overall review score. We suggest you consider this report as initial input and independently verify all info before deciding on your healthcare provider.

Mentally STRONG


3720 Sinton Rd # 104, Colorado Springs, CO 80907, United States

Mentally STRONG is among the best privately owned mental and behavioral health organizations in Colorado Springs, CO. Dr. Cristi Bundukamara, the founder, and her team of counselors, psychiatry nurse practitioners, and medical assistants are committed to helping patients of all ages achieve optimum mental well-being.

The Mentally STRONG Method, a specialized Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)-based treatment approach created by Dr. Bundukamara, empowers patients to make the right behavioral choices that help improve their quality of life.

The effectiveness of this unique model which includes medication management and counseling and the Mentally STRONG team’s dedication to providing the highest standards of service is reflected in the 4.3-star rating and 77.2% in positive sentiments garnered from 269 patient reviews.

Springbok Health Inc


1318 W Colorado Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80904, United States

Springbok Health Inc. is rated as one of the best psychiatry centers in Colorado Springs, CO. The team comprising expert nurse practitioners and clinical staff offers the highest quality of comprehensive care and practice protocols tailored to their patients’ unique mental wellness needs. The patients, as young as 6 years old, are treated with respect and dignity and are empowered to enhance their quality of life.

Springbok Health received a 4.8-star rating with 88.8% in positive sentiments from 117 patient reviews for their wide range of superior services including ADHD, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, depression, learning problems/ developmentally delayed or disabled, OCD, personality disorders, PTSD, Schizoaffective/ schizophrenia disorder, sports psychology, stress-related illness, substance abuse, and traumatic brain injury (TBI).

Chilhowee Psychological Services


5040 Corporate Plaza Dr # 9, Colorado Springs, CO 80919, United States

Chilhowee Psychological Services, a top-rated Colorado Springs, CO-based psychiatry center, is part of a network of licensed mental health professionals that offers emotional support animal and psychiatric service dog letters. They help patients with varied mental issues and impairments enhance their quality of life by providing them with the right emotional support animal, service dog, or therapy animal based on their individual needs.

The 4.7-star rating and 86.5% in positive sentiments from 90 patient reviews reflect the commitment of the Chilhowee Psychological Services team to ensure a superior quality of life for their patients with a wide range of emotional or psychological conditions including depression, anxiety disorders, panic disorders, PTSD, bipolar disorder, OCD, and phobias.

Scoredoc Scorecard: Your Reliable Partner in Receiving Optimum Psychiatry Treatment Options in Colorado Springs, CO

Based on the reviews and ratings of the patients, we have compiled a list of the three best psychiatry centers in Colorado Springs, CO. For an assessment of another center near you,search psychiatry centers. We will send you a consolidated review scorecard of that center to help you receive the best treatment for your unique mental healthcare needs.

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