4 Best Neurologists in Metro Detroit Area, Michigan

(Based on reviews and ratings by patients)

Aug 12, 2022


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Last updated on Aug 12, 2022. To be updated in December 2022

All neurological illnesses require highly specialized treatment, and to ensure that you get the best one, you must consult neurologists who have years of experience and expertise. Compiled below is a list of the best neurologists near you in the Metro Detroit area of Michigan.

4 Best Neurologists in Metro Detroit Area, Michigan

Read Our Reputation Ranking Method

All the neurologists you see here are listed based on our comprehensive review scorecard tool, which analyzes internet reviews across seven major review platforms to educate you on the quality of healthcare services. We only work with a few selected practices in each area. Our matching algorithm takes many factors into account and shows practices that meet our essential review parameters like frequency, amount, recency, and quality of reviews to assist patients in making an informed decision. Our reputation scorecard platform also uses artificial intelligence to analyze and calculate the online reputation of healthcare providers or organizations, including sentiment analysis from user evaluations.

Sidhu Kanwaldeep M.D

23829 Little Mack Ave #200, St Clair Shores, MI 48080

Dr. Sidhu is a board-certified orthopedic spine surgeon associated with St. Claire’s Orthopedics and Sports Medicine at St. Claire Shores and Macomb, Michigan. With over 33 years of experience, he specializes in treating spine-related disorders. His patients have benefitted from his state-of-the-art neck and back pain and sciatica treatment. His expertise includes reconstructive spine surgery, and he has co-authored several books on the topic. He has been named a “top doctor” in orthopedic surgery on several occasions.

Richard S. Veyna

43475 Dalcoma Dr, Clinton Twp, MI 48038

Dr. Richard Veyna, a graduate of the University of Texas Medical School, Houston, is a neurosurgeon presently affiliated with multiple hospitals in Michigan. With over 21 years of experience, he has successfully treated patients with complex spinal diseases, essential tremors and dystonia, and movement disorders. His expertise ranges from minimally invasive surgery to deep brain stimulation. In partnership with Struthers Parkinson’s Disease Center, Dr. Veynar has also designed a multispecialty surgical program to treat movement disorders.

G. Matthew Dillon M.D

34025 Harper, Clinton Twp, MI 48035

Dr. Dillon is a board-certified neurologist located in the Metro Detroit area who has been serving patients with several complex neurological problems in Clinton Township, St. Clair Shores, Utica, and Westland. Currently, he works as a specialist provider at Michigan Neurology Associates & PC. Besides general neurology, he has a keen interest in vascular neurology. With his expertise in Multiple Sclerosis earned through extensive research, he has successfully treated several patients, enabling them to live better lives.

Thomas Giancarlo D.O

19699 8 Mile Rd, St Clair Shores, MI 48080, United

Dr. Thomas Giancarlo is a dual board-certified neurologist with nearly 40 years of experience. He is associated with Michigan Neurology Associates & PC and McLaren Macomb Hospital. He has been successfully treating patients with neurological disorders in the Metro Detroit area, including Clinton Township, St. Claire’s Shores, Utica, and Westland, Michigan. He specializes in Neurology, Psychiatry, Sleep Medicine, and Clinical Neurophysiology and has been named one of metro Detroit’s top neurologists in Hour Detroit magazine twice.

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