Last updated on 3/11/2022 | Get latest review report for $1
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Jinsun Choi does not have an adequate amount of comments to generate the sentiment analysis.
Exceptonal physician who listens to her patients. Will suggest options and is always concerned and with out a doubt is interested in her patients well being.
Very knowledgeable and professional!
Very attentive and knowledgeable.
I was referred to Dr. Choi after countless measures from multiple physicians, hospitals, and academic hospitals that were not able to diagnose and treat the many negative medical symptoms I was displaying. Dr. Choi diagnosed me with Cushing’s Disease. I still continue to receive superb medical treatment and ample time with Dr. Choi; her medical care, bedside manner, and genuine compassion in regards to my quality of my life have remained beyond expectations. Dr. Choi has never given up on me and treating my health conditions. Dr. Choi has spent extensive time with me listening to my concerns and addressing all my questions, while always makes ample time with me despite her busy schedule. This truly has meant a lot to both my husband and I as Dr. Choi has never given up on helping me despite ongoing health conditions and continues to help improve my quality of life. I will forever be grateful for having such an excellent physician that truly cares for his patients. Thank you, Dr. Choi!
She is Very Very good Doctor. she cares about their patients, mi daughter and me recomend her.
I am a cancer survivor. Part of the price for my survival is diabetes. Fair trade. Dr. Choi is my endocrinologist. I see her on a regular basis a few times a year. She is the most compassionate in the army of doctors I now carry. She is thorough and obviously knows her field and she cares about me. Caring is a big deal.
I became a new patient to Dr. Choi since the summer of 2020. I was referred to Dr. Choi after countless measures from multiple physicians, hospitals, and academic hospitals that were not able to diagnose and treat the many negative medical symptoms I was displaying. I spent a few years seeing several specialty physicians that involved numerous consults and medical opinions, extensive tests, imaging, laboratory work-ups, and all medical efforts in attempts to diagnose and treat an unknown underlying condition that no physician nor facility was able to identify and treat. Upon meeting Dr. Choi at my initial visit, she was astonished that I had not received a clear diagnosis and treatment as she was able to diagnose me during my initial consult, which was further validated with additional testing, laboratory work-ups, MRIs, and CTs. Every physician and medical personnel that I encountered all applauded her and her team as she is well known in the medical community as an outstanding endocrinologist with an amazing team. Dr. Choi diagnosed me with Cushing’s Disease. I still continue to receive superb medical treatment and ample time with Dr. Choi; her medical care, bedside manner, and genuine compassion in regards to my quality of my life have remained beyond expectations. I am currently under the medical care of multiple specialty physicians, and her medical care has stood out significantly. Dr. Choi has been extremely heartfelt and compassionate, while also exhibiting extreme professionalism and outstanding bedside manner. Dr. Choi has never given up on me and treating my health conditions, and always follows through with my medical care. Dr. Choi has spent extensive time with me listening to my concerns and addressing all my questions, while always makes ample time with me despite her busy schedule as a physician that specializes in endocrinology. Dr. Choi has truly demonstrated the art of treating his patients with true compassion while maintaining superb bedside manner, professionalism, and follow-up skills. Dr. Choi has never given up on my health and quality of life despite how challenging it has been, and she continues to provide patience towards my health, questions, and concerns. This truly has meant a lot to both my husband and I as Dr. Choi has never given up on helping me despite ongoing health conditions and continues to help improve my quality of life. Dr. Choi has been a rarity in the medical field in comparison to most physicians as she genuinely cares for her patients; this is demonstrated in her quality care and time given to her patients. I will forever be grateful for having such an excellent physician that truly cares for his patients. Thank you, Dr. Choi!
Dr Choi takes time to listen, recommends and does follow up. Staff very kind also.
she is awesome, i love her and her staff
Exceptonal physician who listens to her patients. Will suggest options and is always concerned and with out a doubt is interested in her patients well being.
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All the information you see here is based on our analysis of internet reviews across the seven major review platforms most used by consumers during their healthcare provider selection. The platforms we selected are Google, WebMD, Yelp, HealthGrades, Facebook, RateMDs, and Vitals. The analysis algorithm uses the compiled data of average score, recency of reviews, number of reviews, and the sentiment expressed in the written comments. It then assigns weight to each parameter based on the available research on how consumers use reviews in their doctor selection process. This report is designed to help identify the doctors with the best overall review score in an area and does not reflect the doctors' competence.
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