Last updated on 3/11/2022 | Get latest review report for $1
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Source: Check DocInfo.Org for any disciplinary action against this provider.
The Oncology Institute Of Hope And Innovation does not have an adequate amount of comments to generate the sentiment analysis.
This clinic is the best, everyone including the doctors, and staff.TheChemo nurses go out of their way to make sure you are comfortable during treatment. I'mSo glad to have found this clinic and recommend them to anyone needing Treatment
Friendly staff, attentive doctor, clean environment, short wait time. My oncologist was Dr. Kamil Bakirhan. She is no longer practicing in Los Angeles unfortunately but, she was the best!! Cancer is horrible so it is so important to have a team of medical professionals who care. I found that here. I am sure that I will be in good hands with another Oncologist here.Friendly staff, attentive doctor, clean environment, short wait time. My oncologist was Dr. Kamil Bakirhan. She is no longer practicing in Los Angeles unfortunately but, she was the best!! Cancer is horrible so it is so important to have a …More
Update- received a call from management and all my concerns where heard and we where able to figure out where the miscommunication happened . They where very apologetic. I found the manager to be very sincere and sympathetic to my situation. I'm confident moving forward my questions,comments,concerns will be met. I truly am great full and appreciate the care that was taken to figure out my fathers needs.Father diagnosed with stage 4 cancer at end of October. Given 6 months to 2 years to live. Did all required tests. Doctor re-schedules appointment. It was on day after thanksgiving. Come to find that it's not re-scheduled until end of DEC? Because doctor is on vacation. Look everyone is entitled to be on vacation and enjoy the holidays. But given the circumstances is it asking to much for the oncologyst to give his associate the instructions on what treatment to get started? The answer from the receptionist is "well his associate doesn't take the insurance so you have to wait for him to get back from vacation" Well this is stage 4 cancer and don't think cancer waits not asking to take time away from vacation . But maybe leave an associate in charge of his care is what I'm asking for. It's only humane
I took my father in to meet his new oncologist today and we couldn’t have been more pleased. We are very impressed with Dr. Ali. He is professional, knowledgeable and compassionate. He took his time, answered all our questions and addressed our concerns. This will be a process but we are grateful to have him on our side.
Friendly staff, attentive doctor, clean environment, short wait time. My oncologist was Dr. Kamil Bakirhan. She is no longer practicing in Los Angeles unfortunately but, she was the best!! Cancer is horrible so it is so important to have a team of medical professionals who care. I found that here. I am sure that I will be in good hands with another Oncologist here.
This place is wonderful! I was recommended here after I learned that my first Primary Care Physician was no longer at my previous site. They are caring, compassionate and very helpful. Thank you Oncology Institute for your staff, your care, and all the work you do!
I took my father in to meet his new oncologist today and we couldn’t have been more pleased. We are very impressed with Dr. Ali. He is professional, knowledgeable and compassionate. He took his time, answered all our questions and addressed our concerns. This will be a process but we are grateful to have him on our side.
This place is wonderful! I was recommended here after I learned that my first Primary Care Physician was no longer at my previous site. They are caring, compassionate and very helpful. Thank you Oncology Institute for your staff, your care, and all the work you do!
So much has happened or should I say not happened. Let's just say when your given 6 months to live and 4 months later no treatment has started because of tests where not performed because people are on "vacation"and wrong procedure codes where submitted so further testing could not be completed in a timely manner. All this could have been completed in a matter of a month and a half tops. I'm beyond frustrated and to say that a terminally ill patient is getting below the standard of care just breaks breaks my heart.
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All the information you see here is based on our analysis of internet reviews across the seven major review platforms most used by consumers during their healthcare provider selection. The platforms we selected are Google, WebMD, Yelp, HealthGrades, Facebook, RateMDs, and Vitals. The analysis algorithm uses the compiled data of average score, recency of reviews, number of reviews, and the sentiment expressed in the written comments. It then assigns weight to each parameter based on the available research on how consumers use reviews in their doctor selection process. This report is designed to help identify the doctors with the best overall review score in an area and does not reflect the doctors' competence.
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