Last updated on 8/29/2023 | Get latest review report for $1
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I’VW been a patient of Dr. Gluzman for several years and have only the utmost respect for his ability. He is diligent and thorough and always follows through after a visit or procedure . I highly recommend him.
I am a physician. I have referred numerous patients to Dr. Gluzman. Nobody has ever complained about his diagnostic and therapeutic abilities. I am a patient of Dr. Gluzman‘s. I have experienced his office first hand and it is excellent. His qualities as a physician ranks him at the very top in his field.
Dr. Gluzman is the first doctor to treat me like a human, address my concerns and take care of me appropriately. He is willing to tell me yes and no when necessary and I respect his education and opinions. I will always recommend him and never want to go anywhere else. Thank you doctor.
Dr. Gluzman is the king of pain management, the best! He is patient and ensures you understand your issue and your solutions/options. He will give you the medical jargon debrief, and then speak to you in plain english until you are 100 comfortable. He will sit with you until you process, digest and respond. You are not rushed, pressured or stressed. You can get an office visit in short time, and treatments very quickly - which is key when you are in pain. And we all know behind every great man is a great women - in this case women. His office staff are super nice, attentive, and just great people.
Dr. Gluzman is an incredibly kind, compassionate, empathic physician who really takes the time to listen. I went to 3 other pain doctors, however finally found lasting relief with Dr. Gluzman. He is extremely update in his field and offers the newest treatments. He also is very honest with what you may or may not need. As a bonus his office staff are incredibly kind, helpful, and make you feel at home. I have seen many pain doctors over my lifetime. He is simply the best!
I feel like I’m in great care with Dr Gluzman and his staff. Alie & Virginia are very kind, polite and, provide the highest level of assistance during treatment. Thank you!
Honestly have never been so happy another office chose to not answer their phones. I was looking for a doctor to help with an older injury that was beginning to cause me issues. I don’t like being handed pills or a bunch of unnecessary diagnostics. Dr Gluzman got to the point with the injury as well as giving me information on my treatment options. He doesn’t touch unnecessary medication nor diagnostics and surgery. His office staff is awesome and was super helpful in regards to scheduling and handling insurance issues. Can not recommend this office and Dr Gluzman enough.
I had an excellent experience with Dr. Gluzman and his staff. I was referred to him for severe lower back pain that came on suddenly right before Christmas. I went to two other doctors who told me there was nothing that could be done for me and that my problem was typical of a woman in her 50s even though I just turned 50. By the time I got to Dr. Gluzman he was getting ready to go on vacation and did not have time to do a procedure. But he saw the amount of pain I was in and delayed his vacation by one day so he could do the procedure. I got two epidurals in a surgery center in December 23rd! I was so thankful that he took the time to listen to me and Offer a solution. Not to mention pushing back his vacation for someone he did not even know!
So grateful for Dr Gluzman (outstanding office staff as well) for finding a solution to tremendous hip pain I had dealt with for over a year post hernia surgeries. Miserable sleep patterns (waking up every 2 hours or so) not able to get any real sleep....ABSOLUTELY MISERABLE!!!...I had multiple "specialists" examine me sending me for a plethora of procedures relating to nerve pain (MRI's, nerve-conduction tests, etc) to no avail. Dr Gluzman found that I had a hip flexor weakness and remedied the pain with an injection into the muscle/tendon area (brining immediate relief) and put me on an exercise program to strengthen the weak area and I'm back to normal sleep patterns and no discomfort during the day!!.THANK YOU!..I highly recommend Dr Gluzman!!!
I honestly believe that Dr. Gluzman saved me twice, but being such a compassionate, caring and wise doctor. He took his time and came up with very different approaches than the original plan. Otherwise, I truly believe I may have been paralyzed. His complete focus on me, as a patient as a whole system, is wonderful. He is thoughtful and completely understands the body, the body dynamics and the effects of therapies and medications. He has also treated my husband so very successfully ... plus he is just so interesting to talk to. We'd just even love to sit down and have dinner with him and his family1 His office staff is WONDERFUL ... love Alie and Virginia. Also, just great music being played! We are simply grateful for Dr. Gluzman ... his humanity, his knowledge, his care!
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All the information you see here is based on our analysis of internet reviews across the seven major review platforms most used by consumers during their healthcare provider selection. The platforms we selected are Google, WebMD, Yelp, HealthGrades, Facebook, RateMDs, and Vitals. The analysis algorithm uses the compiled data of average score, recency of reviews, number of reviews, and the sentiment expressed in the written comments. It then assigns weight to each parameter based on the available research on how consumers use reviews in their doctor selection process. This report is designed to help identify the doctors with the best overall review score in an area and does not reflect the doctors' competence.
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