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Source: data.cms.gov Check DocInfo.Org for any disciplinary action against this provider.
Dr. Gary Goldstein is compassionate not mushy, very knowledgeable and he knows the details of your condition, and a fighter for your care when in the hospital.... kind of doctor.
I have been seeing Dr. Goldstein for most of my life. He personally cares about every single patient that he has and takes his time with them. When it comes to doctors Dr. Goldstein and Palm Harbor Internal Medicine and Pediatrics is the best around. Him taking his time with patients sometimes means wait times but in today's world of 10 minute doctors, Dr. Goldstein is a diamond in the rough. I'll wait all day if I have to to see him.
Dr. Goldstein is a caring professional physician.
I don’t care what anyone in any of those comments has to say. Maybe if others were more organized and willing to be patient they would see how wonderful Dr Goldstein’s office is. He’s a great doctor! So well educated and knows the old school way of everything. Remember the show “house” of the extremely smart doctor who could figure out just about anything? Well I compare that to Dr Goldstein, especially because he TRULY cares about his patients. He LOVES his practice and that’s why he’s still on his feet after all these years. A wonderful and caring person and I could never say anything less.
The best! Caring, compassionate, like family. Runs late just like everyone says and I hate it but totally worth it.
Dr. Goldstein has cared for my family for 27 years. I will follow him wherever he goes. Worth the wait because he gives you all the time you need.
Last year Dr Goldstein working with Smart scan of St. Petersburg , he read my scans and called me at home 4 to 5 days in a row and saved my life. Turned out not being a smoker ever I ended up with neuroendocrine carcinoma in my left lung. But it would have never been seen if it wasn't for Smart Scan and Dr Goldstein I would not be here today. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, you are an angel.
Dr Goldstein is a wonderful and caring doctor. It's a shame that more doctors don't treat patients like he does.
Great Doctor, best ever ! Took the time to explain, diagnose and gave through details of my issues. Already started new meds and my chronic cough is subsided. Thanks so much to you and your awesome staff !
Dr. Goldstein has been my doctor for over 30 years and I can’t thank him enough for all the great care he has provided me and my family. I was currently in the hospital for back surgery and he came in every day to check on my recovery. He monitored all the procedures during the process and made sure any I was receiving the best care. Thanks Dr. Goldstein for all the care you have provided during the surgery and always. Very lucky to have such a great, caring and personable doctor. Allen Nalley
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