Last updated on 7/25/2023 | Get latest review report for $1
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Source: Check DocInfo.Org for any disciplinary action against this provider.
Best Dental care I’ve been too. Dr Mark is extremely knowledgeable and highly experienced. Ive been coming here for 2 years now , staff is friendly and amazing.They do a great job keeping your appointments and rescheduling if you need to.Highly recommend Family Care . Thanks Dr Mark for everything.
Very professional and friendly dentists & staff.
Every one at this Facility are professionals and good caring
I can not begin to express how happy I am with Dr. Ashor Elia's work. He is quite possibly the best dentist in the Chicago land area hands down! Extremely professional and knowledgable. I was struggling to find a dentist that was trustworthy, caring, and understanding of his patience needs and concerns. Dr. Ashor is exactly all of the above. I was also very nervous walking in to my first appointment. However, Dr. Elia reassured me that there was nothing to worry about and guided me through everything he was going to do before hand. Saying that I am extremely satisfied with his work and the clinic itself is an understatement. Great doctors and great staff! Never in a million years would I have ever thought I would say this, but I'm looking forward to my next Dentist appointment!
The staff here is friendly and professional! I've been a patient at this office for over 20 years. They're very prompt and accommodating.
been a patient since they openeda true family care is provided
The best dentist ever! I fly every year from San Juan for my check up!!!Hi Dr Mark... With that should make your appointment!!
Dr. Elia is honestly the best dentist I have been to. He is so caring and clarifies everything. When I first came here I had a bad cavity and this was back in 2006. The tooth he fixed is still great and has not given me any problems, the decomposite he uses is immaculate. Have not had any cavities since 06. I will always come back here for regular cleaning.
The staff here is very friendly and welcoming. The work of Dr. Ashor is top notch and I always recommend him to everyone I know. Who knew going to the dentist would be such a pleasure.
Very professional dentists and extremely knowledgeable. I love this clinic. By far, Dr Ashur and Mark are the best dentists I have seen in my life.
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