Last updated on 3/6/2024 | Get latest review report for $1
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Source: Check DocInfo.Org for any disciplinary action against this provider.
Best doctor ever! Always takes the time to listen, very detailed. Great bedside manner!
Dr. Sobel practices a different type of medicine than is typically seen in large hospital and clinic networks, and increasingly, even in private practices. By this I mean that Dr. Sobel takes whatever time is necessary to listen, to personally communicate test results and discuss treatment options, and to coordinate specialist care and referrals if they are necessary. For example, I recently had a revision sinus surgery; Dr. Sobel spent a great deal of time digesting the nearly 80 pages of my relevant ENT history, and the clinic notes and CT images produced by two different ENT surgeons that I consulted with in order to help me make the best choices given the available information. Dr. Sobel was instrumental in helping me choose a surgeon and medically prepare for surgery. He was also available to my wife, after my surgery, whenever she had questions or concerns about how I was healing. Bottom line: if you want a primary care doctor that will work hard to give you his best and to make sure that you receive personalized care and evidence-based treatment, Dr. Sobel is that doctor.
Great doctor. 17 years already.
Best physician I have ever had, he has been my primary physician for more than 10 years now. Doc Sobel will not only sit and listen to all that is ailing you but he will spend as much time as needed to address all your questions and concerns. He has an excellent bed side manner and I love all his staff who are always professional. I would highly recommend Doctor Robert Sobel.
Extremely knowledgeable, empathetic, thorough doctor.
Our family's primary care physician until 2016 (insurance coverage change). Offers options and listens to your concerns. Candidly answers questions, even those topics perhaps not technically medical, but related to your overall health (nutrition, diet, etc.) Monica Joyce, as well as his medical and administrative support team are friendly and accessible.
Dr. Sobel is fantastic. As many others here have pointed out, he really takes the time to talk to you about your issues instead of treating you like a number. Before I started seeing him, I was sick and unable to get pregnant for 6 years and went through 3 endocrinologists who all pretty much ignored me because my symptoms were mysterious and apparently not worth the trouble to figure out. Dr. Sobel took the time to think through my situation and discuss it with me personally over the phone... which ultimately lead to a cure. Thanks to him, I have my health back and a beautiful 3-month-old baby girl.
I've been a patient of Dr. Sobel for close to 20 years. I love his intelligence and his respect for the patient. I was first referred to him by a breast surgeon who said he had sent his father to him and would highly recommend him. I've never looked back. Dr. Robert is totally current on the latest literature and makes you a partner in his education. A sick call during off hours is returned promptly with a caring ear. He has an old-fashioned and genuine commitment to healing---which is NOT a given with doctors today. I wish he taught a course to share some of his gifts to young doctors in their medical school years. I consider it a privilege to be in his care.
I went to Dr Robert Sobel for the first time last month. Just moving to Chicago I was eager to have a doctor locally who could help me manage my diabetes. They got me in the office and everyone was very nice! Didn't have to wait too long either - a rarity at doctors offices! Dr Sobel took his time while meeting with me. Explained many things to me and was open to listening about my concerns. Thankfully my labs came back great and I'll be happy to return for my next check up in 3 months. :)
I have been a patient of Dr. Robert Sobel for 15 years. He is a remarkable doctor. Dr. Sobel is noteworthy both for his concern, patience, and empathy as well as his medical knowledge, intelligence, insightfulness. He is up to date on the latest research in the field. Dr. Sobel works with me and doesn't "talk down" to me about my issues and treatment plan. When I have called with a concern between appointments, he has always been accessible and hasn't rushed me off the phone. Monica Joyce, the diabetes educator in Dr. Sobel's practice, is outstanding as well. I consider her a key resource in managing my diabetes. I noticed some negative comments about the office staff on yelp. That has not been my experience. I've always been treated courteously by the staff. If you have diabetes, I highly recommend Dr. Robert Sobel. In my opinion, he is the best of the best
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