Last updated on 8/29/2023 | Get latest review report for $1
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Source: Check DocInfo.Org for any disciplinary action against this provider.
I've been going to see him for over 15 years. Awesome doctor. He actually listens to the patient.
I've been with Dr. Ehly for years. I followed him to Prairie Star, now Prairie Village. I think I would follow him to the moon! I love having him for my physician. He has my blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes under control. I look forward to my visits with him. He has the BEST bedside manners. He gives good advice and listens to my concerns. If I still have a weight problem, that's on me and my sugar addiction. He even helped me with that by introducing me to 100% cacao wafers. I love them and has helped me lose about 10 lbs. He is the absolutely awesome!!
Dr. Ehly has provided compassionate care to our family for over a decade... we highly recommend!
I had a doctor whom I'd seen for years and whom I adored. He retired and I despaired about finding anyone who was available and 1) As smart, 2) As caring, and 3) Had as much of a sense of humor and my previous doc. (Yes, all of these are important traits to me.) No surprise ending here: Dr. Ehly is all this, and more. (Though I can't speak to "availability.") After receiving slightly alarming results from labs, we switched some things up and I am in the best condition/health I've been in for a couple decades. Personable, knowledgeable and whip-smart, Dr. Ehly works collaboratively with his patients, providing suggestions based on the latest science and studies. Grateful I found him.
Dr.Ehly has been my doctor for Over 30 years he is the Best, If you are lucky enough to get An appointment you should Be greatful.they don't make em Like him anymore.He is one in a million.
One of the few doctors willing to listen to everything you have to say and help you as a person and not just your symptoms. He not only treats me but all my family and has for years. He helped me realize health and wellness are in your control and eating well and exercising does make a difference. Can't thank him enough for all he's done for us.
I was in the office having a severe Asthma attack and Dr. Ehly really took such good care of me. Also the people that work the reception area are a God send.
Dr Ehly is a wonderful person and doctor. We’ve seen him for years and have never had a single problem. The staff is efficient and friendly.
I just happened to luck out years ago as a college student to randomly get an appointment with Dr. Ehly for some cold or something. I didn't realize at the time just how lucky I was! He was so kind to me and took the time to really get to know me and my family health history. I was so impressed. I have continued using him for all of my health needs and I am approaching 40 now. I have recommended him to everyone I know. I'm afraid he's pretty booked up now, but my parents were able to start using him years ago, as well, and Dr. Ehly was so so kind and helpful to my wonderful Dad, who had early onset Parkinson's disease. Dr. Ehly spent a lot of time learning more about the latest treatments in Parkinson's disease and would be ready to discuss it all when my dad would go in for his appointments. That means a lot to me and my mom.
I’ve been with Dr. Ehly for 12 years, and I have never had a bad experience with him. I know that he actually cares about my overall well being, not just the health issue or check up I am there for. There is a reason I have followed him to 3 different offices. It’s because I couldn’t ask for a better doctor, period. His bedside manner is so excellent, I leave his office in a good mood every time I see him. I’ve never felt rushed with him, and he always takes the time to make sure my overall health is good no matter what reason I am there to see him. He is genuinely the best, and he will be my doctor until he retires.
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All the information you see here is based on our analysis of internet reviews across the seven major review platforms most used by consumers during their healthcare provider selection. The platforms we selected are Google, WebMD, Yelp, HealthGrades, Facebook, RateMDs, and Vitals. The analysis algorithm uses the compiled data of average score, recency of reviews, number of reviews, and the sentiment expressed in the written comments. It then assigns weight to each parameter based on the available research on how consumers use reviews in their doctor selection process. This report is designed to help identify the doctors with the best overall review score in an area and does not reflect the doctors' competence.
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