Last updated on 8/29/2023 | Get latest review report for $1
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I was sent to Dr. Wagner for a retinal detachment. It was very scary as I lost all vision in my left eye. The referring ophthalmologist was once a student of Dr. Wagner's (He is a professor at Georgetown Hospital) and gave him an enthusiastic recommendation. Dr. Wagner brought me to surgery at Georgetown Hospital and put a bubble in my eye. I needed to sleep face down overnight and the next day I was able to be upright. I couldn't see while the bubble was in my eye, but I never had any pain after the surgery. When to bubble went away, I could begin to see again. Now I can see as well as before my retinal detachment occurred. I keep Dr. Wagner's card in my wallet to call if I every get similar symptoms in the future. I am very grateful to my own ophthalmologist for sending me promptly to Dr. Wagner for the successful treatment of my retinal detachment.
I am very pleased that I was referred to Dr. Wagner when my own eye doctor told me I had diabetic changes that needed treatment. Dr. Wagner saw me and carefully looked inside of my eye with a special 3-D camera and with a a lens in front of my eyes. He told me that I needed treatment to restore my vision and a different type of light treatment (laser) to maintain my vision once it was restored. The treatments did not hurt and I am happy to have sharp vision once again. I recommend Dr. Wagner to all of my friends and a wonderful doctor and kind person as well.
I am very glad that I was referred to Dr. Wagner by the Georgetown ophthalmology resident I saw in the emergency room. She told me that I had a retinal problem that needed a specialist to evaluate and maybe treat the problem. It turned out I had a blocked vein in my left eye and my blurry vision was due to swelling in the central retina. Dr. Wagner showed me the problem in my eye using a special camera and then discussed the treatment options I had. Now that I have recovered my vision I am very grateful for his professional care and personalized attention. I had some blood tests that found the cause of the blockage and now I've stopped my birth control pills. I never thought that the pill would affect my eyesight! If you have vision problems do not ignore it. It may be a sign that you have a whole body problem. See Dr. Wagner if you have vision changes. It helped me and it may help you too.
I am very lucky to have gone in to the Georgetown University Emergency Room for my new symptoms of floaters blocking my vision. The resident ophthalmology doctor diagnosed me with a retinal detachment and Dr. Wagner came in promptly did surgery for my right eye the same day even though it was Saturday. I am pleased that my vision is completely restored. I appreciate his fine work and effort even though I probably disrupted his weekend plans. He is always cheerful and makes me feel like his only patient when I am with him. I have never felt rushed and he seems to listen carefully to all of my questions.
I was very happy to be a patient of Dr. Wagner. He is very caring and accessible. My family has a history of retinal detachments and he was very reassuring. I know that if I ever get new symptoms that he warned me about: either flashes of light, new floaters in one eye, or a shadow in my peripheral vision, I will call and see him right away. I feel very confident that my eyes are in very good hands with Dr. Wagner.
I am so glad that Dr. Wagner is my eye doctor! I had surgery for a macular hole and now I can see again! I did not have pain with or after surgery. I did have to look down for seven days after surgery and rent a special chair to help look down, but now that I can see again it was all worth it!
Have been a patient of Dr. Wagner's for many years. No problems getting questions answered or appointments. Appointments have been very flexible.
Dr. Wagner saved my eyesight by doing an emergency retinal detachment surgery late at night. Most other doctors would have scheduled the surgery to avoid having to work such long hours. I am eternally grateful for the fact that my central retina did not detach and that I still am able to see 20/20 in each of my eyes! If you have a retinal emergency then I strongly recommend you consider seeing Dr. Wagner!
I wish all of my doctors were like Dr. Wagner. I was sent to him because he is the director of Retina at Georgetown University. I was told that I have a macular pucker that caused me to have eye discomfort by my optometrist. I came expecting that Dr. Wagner would suggest surgery to remove the ‘pucker’ on my eye. Instead he spent the time to explain what a macular pucker is, how I got it, and the risks and benefits of surgery. He explained that most puckers do not progress over time. He also explained that puckers do not hurt, and that my eye pain was from blepharitis, inflammation of my eyelid margins. He took 3-D photos and showed me my pucker was very mild and wasn’t affecting my vision. I didn’t need surgery and now I have a regimen to treat my eyelids daily. I’m very glad I saw him. I have complete confidence in his clinical skills.
I was referred to Dr. Wagner for a freckle in my retina. Dr. Wagner took a photograph of the freckle and reassured me that my likelyhood of developing a cancer in my eye was the same as my likelyhood of winning the state lottery. I am very reassured by his thorough care. I know that if my eye develops a tumor that he will notice it and work to save my eyesight and my life. I am no longer panicking that I may lose my eyesight.
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