Last updated on 12/27/2024 | Get latest review report for $1
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My first experience with Dr Dechter was great! I am very happy with the choice I made to change to a new dentist due to distance. Before coming to Dr Dechter, My family and I was with my dentist for 14 years and only trusted him. Dr Dechter staff members are great to work with and that is very important to me to make sure all is taking care of like claims, appointment etc.
The staff is extremely friendly and professional. As a new patient, everyone introduced themselves and made a point to get to know me. They thoroughly explained each step of the appointment as well as explaining in detail the need for further treatment. For me, the best part was the technician talking with me in depth about some of my habits and how/why they are harmful. I was given reasonable, easy-to-follow alternatives and now feel I have a greater understanding of what is required for better oral hygiene. During my visit I was able to relax (hard to do at a dentist appointment!) as I knew I was in good hands, receiving the very best of care.
I took my 2.5 year old son for a cleaning yesterday. My son had a great visit. His teeth were cleaned by a wonderful hygienist (Afsoun) and he was thought how to better brush his teeth and the importance of regular brushing. During the visit, 1-2 cavities were found and Dr. Dechter made time to fix the cavities right then, instead of us having to come back for a second visit. My son actually had fun and he walked away with clean teeth, no cavities, a red balloon, some cool stickers, and a big smile on his face. During the car ride home he said wants to go back again. Thanks for the great, quick and wonderful service. Koorosh & Arya
It was sweeeet!!!!
Been going to this practice all my life. Dr. Dechter and staff are awesome. And if I ever move out of the area, I'd still travel to come to him for all my dental needs.
Very little time in the waiting room, cleaning was very good and thorough. Asked if I had any questions. Doctor checked me out after cleaning. Everything was very professional and courteous.
I've been a patient of Dechter and Moy for 23 years. The last time I needed a crown, it took three visits. Now, with new technology, it was finished in one! Everyone there is highly professional and in nearly a quarter century I've never had a bad experience there.They're especially good with small children - from my son's first visit at the age of 3, he never dreaded going to the dentist.
I've only been to this dentist a couple of times (for cleanings and x-rays), but so far the service had been great. The staff are friendly and take their time with you. Nice to have such an amazing small business right here in Wheaton/Glenmont instead of having to trek out to Rockville like I do for a lot of my medical care.
Excellent Care using the latest equipment with a cheerful, personable, and knowledgeable staff. Dr. Dechter, in particular, deserves high praise for his judgment and skill.
I've been going to this dentist for at least the last decade and the service has always been great. The hygienists are friendly and thorough during the cleanings. And both dentists are very kind and skilled. They never push for unneeded treatments. My teeth would be awful without them!
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All the information you see here is based on our analysis of internet reviews across the seven major review platforms most used by consumers during their healthcare provider selection. The platforms we selected are Google, WebMD, Yelp, HealthGrades, Facebook, RateMDs, and Vitals. The analysis algorithm uses the compiled data of average score, recency of reviews, number of reviews, and the sentiment expressed in the written comments. It then assigns weight to each parameter based on the available research on how consumers use reviews in their doctor selection process. This report is designed to help identify the doctors with the best overall review score in an area and does not reflect the doctors' competence.
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