Last updated on 7/15/2023 | Get latest review report for $1
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Source: Check DocInfo.Org for any disciplinary action against this provider.
This place is great! Staff are super nice, knowledgable, and the place is immaculately decorated
I had such a fantastic experience getting the Clear & Brilliant laser treatment! The facility is beautiful and comfortable, and Katie was an absolute gem. It's only been a few days but I'm already so impressed with the results I'm seeing and will definitely return for more. Highly recommended!
Lisa is amazing! She takes great pleasure in helping women be the best version of themselves. I had the BEST clear and brilliant facial that I have ever had!
I’ve been seeing Lisa for years and she is top-notch. She truly cares about her clients and their skin and I’m grateful for her expertise.
This place is amazing! I always see improved results after my apts. Thank you Lisa for always going above and beyond for me and my referrals!! You are the best! I don’t trust anyone but you.
Love this Medi Spa! Best staff. Very helpful, very honest! Best treatments around
I've had TMJ pain that had been getting worse ever since I got by braces off in middle school. I've been seeing a specialist and using a bite splint at night to help re-align my bite, but I was still having ice pick headaches and constant pain and tension in my jaw. I brought up Botox in the masseter muscle to my dentist and they recommended Tiffany at Radiance Beauty Lab. I was nervous because I've read horror stories but I'm so glad I went in. I got the injections about 2 weeks ago now, 60 units in the problem side and 40 in the other. I haven't had a headache since the day I went in and the tension and aches in my jaw have faded away! I know everyone is different and this is just my personal experience, but I think this is definitely something worth looking into if you've got persistent TMJ pain. Of course you have to be careful to get it done by someone who really knows what they're doing, and that person is Tiffany! 🙂
The team at Radiance is wonderful to work with and has helped greatly improve my skin texture and tone with treatments and new skincare products. Microneedling has also really helped my melasma. Next up, PRP to slow hair loss!
I’ve been working on my skin with Lisa and the RBL team for the last year and cannot say enough good things! An upgrade to my skin care products, plus routine micro needling, BBL and hydro facials have repaired damage to my skin and minimized fine lines and wrinkles. Feeling like that pandemic-induced wear and tear on my skin is finally in the rear view mirror!
Awesome skincare and lasers. Lisa has worked on me for years and people always comment on how young I look. Good for a 50 something year old man, that always feels good to hear that. Top notch!
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