Last updated on 2/6/2024 | Get latest review report for $1
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I had a massive brain bleed from an unknown walnut-sized tumor. Dr. Veyna explained the procedure to have it removed with such confidence, spoke to my family directly after and followed up with me that evening. I would trust him again with my life.highly recommend.
dr veyna did my last 2 neck surgeries and i must say i never felt so much relief i have in years. i was not only having neck issues the second time but also shoulder issues. i was seen another doctor for my shoulder,they thought it was seperate issues. well after this neck surgery.i am glad to say my shoulder issues are gone completely! i would highly recomend dr venya for any issue you might be having. i love his bed side manner and has a great sense of humor and loves his patients.
Dr. Veyna has been my doctor for years. I first saw him at a different practice. He had treated me for neck and back issues. When he moved to the MHSI practice. I followed him there. He knows my case inside and out and there is no one I trust more for my back and neck issues then Dr. Veyna.
I find Dr. Richard Veyna to be an excellent doctor. He is very knowledgeable and has had an excellent education graduating at the top of his graduating class. He is a great communicator and took the time to listen to the problem I have with my neck.
Dr. Veyna has performed both a cervical fusion and a cervical decompression. He brought me through both with flying colors!! He is also quite a human being. He participates in doctors without borders. Above EXCELLENCE!!
I saw dr Venya last year. Very kind doctor explain your condition to you. I will eventually need a cage and screws in my neck. However he is one not to cut unless absolutely necessary. I will be going back soon as fir another evaluation since my condition has worsen. For another her consolation. To keep up with my pain and recommendations from him.
Dr Veyna was great. He sat across from me and my husband and took the time to explain everything from my MRI to surgical options. He also was very honest regarding how much pain relief cervical spine surgery would provide. After ten years of pain I feel that even a small amount of relief would be welcomed and we were grateful for his honesty as to what to expect. We never felt rushed despite the office being very busy that day.
Tells you exactly what needs to be done to correct a problem and makes it happen !...outstanding Doctor !!!
He did my laminectomy and Dr Veyna also did my mothers back surgery 2 times. He knows his stuff and has privledges at most hospitals. Christy is also awesome.
Dr. Veyna performed brain surgery on me at Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak last November. I couldn't be more pleased with the care I received from him! He removed a meningoma tumor the size of an orange from my brain. I will be forever grateful to him for such compasionate care. Lynne Gregory
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