Last updated on 8/29/2023 | Get latest review report for $1
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Source: Check DocInfo.Org for any disciplinary action against this provider.
Him and his incredible team saved my baby's life. He did her decompression craniectomy when she was a month old. He's kind and attentive to the family of his patients. Truly an incredible man and doctor.
Dr Sood took care of my son years ago. Malachi, my son, had multiple VP Shunt revisions, however, 2003, Dr. Sood decided to place a LP shunt horizontal instead of the VP and Malachi been out the hospital ever since. Malachi Patillo is now 25 years and been out the hospital ever since. Dr Sood is a God sent doctor with blessed hands.
Few years back one of my daughter had head injuries and he was out of town so he cancelled his vacation and did surgery for my kid. He was a such a helpful doctor. Very humble and friendly.
Dr sood did my daughters craniosynostosis surgery and he did a great job taking care of my baby girl. I'm very grateful
Ive had him ever since i was 2 months old i will forever love and thank this man he has saved my life numerous times and I highly recommend him best doctor!!
He saved my life! Best Neurosurgeon in the world
I owe Dr. Sood my life. If it weren't for him, Dr. Asano, Dr. Chugani, Dr. Arndt, and their huge team of colleagues and supporters- my baby boy would still be suffering from daily seizures. I can't thank them enough for their efforts and their care. Dr. Sood and his nurse Danielle kept us updated during both brain surgeries, every hour. He took the time out of every day to come up to his hospital room (while in ICU, recovery, AND therapy) to check on his progress. He is the best neurosurgeon in the world. Hands down.
Dr Sood is definitely a Godsend! Sorry, I have ZERO trust in most doctors, in 2015 my daughter just turned 2 years old and had been going through what we thought at first was allergies, until she stopped being able to walk, talk and apparently see. 2 primary doctors sent us home on Claritin/Allegra refused any more testing I was begging for, Beaumont sent her home saying the meds were just too strong, 2 days later we take her to Children's and right away Dr Sood started tests on her brain bc our baby had a huge brain tumor growing rapidly on her pituitary gland! 💔 Her optic nerve was torn completely,, Dr Sood was afraid there was no chance of removing without damaging her pituitary gland BUT GOd HAD THIS MANS HAND 🙏 She was not walking or ta l ing for 40 days! They all told me she would probably be blind, handicap, need steroids for life BUTTTT GOD HAD OTHER PLANS. Optic nerve repaired itself within 2 months! First month home she was walking, 6 months later NO MORE STEROIDS. 🙏 Our little miracle girl is now 6, she is our on earth angel I swear, & the smarter than any 6 yr old I've seen! Dr Sood restored my faith in Doctors 🙏 Well him, I have alot of trust in that man, thank you Jesus) He saved our baby! MAY GOD CONTINUE TO BLESS YOU AND GUIDE YOUR HANDS DR SOOD, YOU ARE SAVING HIS CHILDREN & WILL BE REPAID FOR YOUR HARD WORK! 🙏❤ ❤❤❤
Performed surgery for a chiari malformation on my 2.5 year old son. His bedside manner with both my son and myself was great. He took his time explaining everything and helped to put us at ease during a stressful time.
We value Dr Sood as our trusted Dr. and a great friend.
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