Last updated on 12/4/2024
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Source: Check DocInfo.Org for any disciplinary action against this provider.
Amazing work!!! 100% satisfied with the results of my procedure.
We absolutely love this Dr he did 2 surgeries on m at one time. They both have made our lives SO MUCH BETTER. He listens to you and answers all of your questions and uses words you can understand and explains the procedure in detail. We would highly recommend Dr. Goldberg
Dr Goldenberg provided quality care and attention from our initial consultation through surgery and follow up checks. Throughout the entire process he and his team were consistently dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of medical and patient care.
Dr Goldenberg did an excellent job on my procedure and was great at explaining what would happen and then following up afterwards
Dr. Goldenberg asks question and listens. He is a very good Surgeon and I highly recommend him. As a follow-up from my review 3-months ago, I am doing very well after surgery and have recovered 100%. Thanks to Dr. Goldenberg for his surgery skills and high quality staff!
Dr. Goldenberg knows what he’s doing and is personable and relatable. Highly recommend.
I would recommend Dr Goldenberg to anyone who asked. I’ve never had a doctor call me personally, but he called me three times to touch base on my recovery. The results of the surgery were a complete success.
Dr. Goldenberg quickly diagnosed my problem, fully explained my options and the recommended surgical procedure and also considered my concerns. He is kind and compassionate and I place my utmost trust in him.
Tried to make me as comfortable as he could. Easy to talk to and very quick and efficient!
I received outstanding clinical care from Dr Goldenberg for my surgical procedure. In addition, his office staff and the staff at the surgical center are all exemplary!! Exceptionally organized, efficient and friendly. Highly recommend!!
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