Last updated on 7/12/2022 | Get latest review report for $1
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Source: Check DocInfo.Org for any disciplinary action against this provider.
Dr. Blythe is very thorough and explains diagnosis to you very well. She has excellent bedside manner and takes the time needed to study and review patient history. She not only is interested in your overall health and well being but takes the time to care about her patients.
She is a great and very thororough doctor.She truly cares for her patients.Five star all the way!
Dr. Blyth is very nice, listens, & spends time with you even though she is extremely busy. Her current nurse is not who I would expect to be working with Dr. Blyth as she has no bedside manner, has been rude, does not take and provide correct info from you to give to Dr. Blyth and almost seems like she may cause extra issues with communications and details from you to the doctor if decides she doesn't like you or you are taking up too much of her time. Things sure have changed in the last few years with finding a good doctor who also has a caring staff, seems like u cant have both anymore! The front runners in a doctors office are very important and although I know doctors are busier than ever now a days, I wish they would take the time to look harder at their staff & how they treat patients.
You can't find a finer MD. The office wait is the only negative, but you can assure when it's your turn, she spends quality time w/you. I absolutely love this lady! My husband hated going to MD and didn't have a primary MD even w/Health Insr, and once he went to her the first time, he stated she was the only MD he'd prefer in the future. He and I both feel very confident that she won't miss a thing, even if it's not a real complaint. She's great!!
Dr. Blyth became my GP after my GP of 24 years retired. Needless to say I was devastated about losing my great doctor (Dr. Norins) I had for so many years, but I was lucky enough to find another great GP, Dr. Blyth. She listens, cares about her patients, and is extremely knowledgeable. I highly recommend Dr. Blyth and I sure hope she doesnt retire on me anytime soon! :)
Dr. Blyth always takes time with you and is very through. She listens to your questions and concerns . She shows that she cares about YOU as a patient. I have been using her for many many years and can't imagine using anyone else. Matter of fact if she ever leaves LeBauer and goes somewhere else in my area I can picture myself following her.
Finally a doctors that cares!
Dr. Blyth is fantastic: extremely knowledgeable and down to earth. She always takes the time to answer my questions and discuss my concerns, so I understand why she might be a few minutes behind for my appointment. I recommend her to everyone!
I'm new to the area so my family and I are new patients. The office felt clean. Front desk girls are very nice and friendly. But I didn't think it was very child friendly for being a Family Practice. There wasn't child friendly books or cartoons on to keep them from the stress of seeing a new doctor. Dr. Blyth's nurse did not make the visit any easier. She was not friendly at all. There was no ease to make my children feel okay about being there. To me its very important that if your called a Family Practice that there is lots of smiling and nurturing talking directly to them making eye contact. Dr. Blyth's nurse did not talk with my children with a smile or friendliness they deserve and was incompetent in making my kids feel that they are important and cared for. That's what they need, being serious and unhappy just makes them more nervous. Not to mention she has been borderline rude and to ease the tension I gave her a compliment, it didn't seem to work. I will be moving myself and my kids to another family practice. It's not worth dealing with a rude and unfriendly nurse every time I see Dr. Blyth. As for Dr. Blyth she seemed good, educated and by all means friendly! I would not recommend Lebour Health Care for children.
She does not have her head in the game. Doesn't read her notes and seems un prepared for why you are there. Folksy and friendly but that might not be what you want. Will not reply on Cones patient contact system. Making time and going through the motions.
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