Last updated on 3/3/2025 | Get latest review report for $1
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This is a long but good read. I recently switched prosthetic companies and came here since they took my insurance. This review is for their Kingman AZ location. The staff here is amazing. I love them all. I came in with a cane walking in my first visit. Michelle says this is not right and fixed me up. My 2nd appointment I got to see Jeremy. Jeremy understands so much more than any other prosthetician I have had in the past. Michelle and Jeremy listen to what is going on with the patient and explain things so I can understand. I am going into a different kind of prosthetic system. This new system is hard for me to get used to. I had some issues during their clinic time, and Michelle still responded. I am so thankful for coming. Danielle is at the front desk. She is amazing. The staff has a great sense of humor as well. That is something I can appreciate. I need it from them. I have had 3 appointments so far. Michelle and Danielle came to my physical therapy appointment yesterday. Michelle made some adjustments. I was good to go. I had my appt today with Michelle in their office. They are here in Kingman on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Thank you for giving me my life back. I would recommend anyone to NOP. Thank you all for everything
Great place , loving my new prosthetic 💯
I have the greatest in office experience with them. I can come in at any time and get have something done. And they make me feel like family
AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!!! I don't even know where to start 😁 NOP has done for me in 4 months what 2 other prosthetic company's in San Diego couldn't do in 5 years!!! They fixed ALL my aches & concerns soooooooo good that I now walk with NO PAIN AT ALL !!!! In fact, most people don't even know I'm an amputee cause I walk so good. The staff in the Pahrump office, ALL OF THEM, Jeremy, Michelle, Kyle & Petra (even though she's a Raiders fan) are friendly & will go out of their way to help. I could go on & on about how happy I am with this company!!! I can even where boots now thanks to them!!
Jeremy is the best prosthesis around. He gives back to the community and does amazing work. If you want a prosthesis who really cares go to Nevada orthotics and prosthetics.
Iam beyond happy to now be part of the NOP family , the entire staff is absolutely wonderful , Jeremy has helped me so much , Petra has build my confidence up , Michelle is so caring , I feel blessed , Thank - You so much ❤️
The staff is extremely helpful and pleasant. The craftsmanship and fabrication skills are top notch.
The people at Nevada orthopedics and prosthetics are great. I recommend them to anyone that needs them. Super efficient and super friendly. People really need go see them. Excellent service
💕✨💕 Touched by Angels 💕✨💕 With 💯% confidence, I highly recommend Nevada Orthotics & Prosthetics!! Jeremy, Michelle, Kyle, Jeff, Petra, Priscilla and Danielle are truly the ✨Best✨!! My husbands’ Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. William Hallier recommended N.O.P. After his below the knee leg amputation in October 2021. His recommendation was ✨Superb✨!! They have made this whole journey the best it ✨could ever be✨!! Their ✨Kindness, Compassion, Support, Level of Care have been Outstanding ✨!! This is why I feel I have been ✨Touched by Angels✨!!
I have been seeing Jeremy, Michelle, and staff in the Kingman office and have been to the Vegas location as well, since Oct 2021. All at NOP have been truly amazing!! No matter what problem arises, they know how to help me out! From the prosthetic process on my one leg to the Orthotics boot on my other leg. They keep you positive when you need it and treat you like family! The support, compassion, and level of care of this company is the best!! You deserve the Best!🤠
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