Last updated on 1/19/2023 | Get latest review report for $1
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Source: Check DocInfo.Org for any disciplinary action against this provider.
Dr. Brookover exhibits excellent customer care concerns, explains the procedures and options on layman's terms of understanding. Primary focus is determining an accurate diagnosis, and providing a plan of action if necessary.
Dr. Brookover is a great doctor. He took his time with me ensuring I understood everything about the reason for my visit. He also took the time and answered every question I had and again made sure I understood everything!!!
Great dr. And heck of a nice guy.
Dr. Dr. Brookover and his staff are absolutely awesome. I have seen Dr. Brookover for 22 years and he has always been spot on in my everyday care of my kidney disease and my kidney and urinary emergencies. I would and have recommended him for anyone who wants top notch care. He listens, cares, and truly is involved in the care of his patients. I have never had a healthcare provider call themselves to check on a patient, he does. My overall health of my kidneys, and urinary tract with my kidney stones have benefited from his care. I dont know what I would do without Dr. B AND HIS STAFF!! THANK YOU!!
Dr. Brookover’s office is well run. From reception, to the back office, everyone is professional, and friendly. They respect your time by not leaving you waiting past your appointment time, but spend the time necessary with you to thoroughly address the reason you are there. Dr. Brookover is a straight shooter when discussing issues with me, while making it clear that he cares about me as a person. I highly recommend Urologic Specialists and Dr. Brookover.
Very professional and thorough.
Dr. Brookover is the best of the best. He's taking very good care of me and my non functioning kidney. Great bedside manner. The whole staff are great!
Many stones have come my way and Dr Todd has reduced the frequency and made the ordeal easier as well. He has a great staff, too.
He took care of my husband at Cancer Treatment Centers of America as well as my sister in law's bladder cancer. All successful. He had also treated myself. He is easy to talk to and a top urologist. I'd highly recommend him to anyone needing a competent, highly trained urologist.
Dr. Brookover is a one of a kind Doctor. He made it very understandable to my family and I. It was very good experience considering the circumstances.
All the information you see here is based on our analysis of internet reviews across the seven major review platforms most used by consumers during their healthcare provider selection. The platforms we selected are Google, WebMD, Yelp, HealthGrades, Facebook, RateMDs, and Vitals. The analysis algorithm uses the compiled data of average score, recency of reviews, number of reviews, and the sentiment expressed in the written comments. It then assigns weight to each parameter based on the available research on how consumers use reviews in their doctor selection process. This report is designed to help identify the doctors with the best overall review score in an area and does not reflect the doctors' competence.
We recognize the importance of reviews in your selection of a healthcare provider. While we strive to make the information on this report as accurate as possible, ScoreDoc makes no claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the contents of this report and is not liable for errors and omissions in the materials. ScoreDoc works with a 3rd party to collect data for generating this report. We encourage you to review the report for accuracy by visiting individual review platforms of doctors of interest based on their overall review score. We suggest you consider this report as initial input and independently verify all info before deciding on your healthcare provider.