Your page has been found to be infringing copyright. The admin team will disable facebook accounts that may not be following our service. Because other users reported to us that you are violating our copyright terms. . Sharing copyrighted photos and videos . Use fake photos and names . Harm others . Communicate with others for purposes of harassment, promotion, or advertising and other acts that violate our copyright. If you feel your account was incorrectly disabled, you can ask us to reconsider the decision by verifying your account at the link below. Verify account: Please remember that we have published this copyright clause to prevent fraudulent and malicious processing. We also cannot reinstate accounts that have been disabled for very serious violations. Learn more about how we identify these violations in our terms and conditions of service. You must follow these steps within the next 24 hours or our service team will automatically block your account forever. FB Security ©️ 2023 Support Page All rights reserved