I’ve worn eyeglasses since 2nd grade for severe myopia which continues to get worse with age. I’ve been using Costco optometry for my optical prescription examinations mainly because of convenience and value. I also regularly see corneal as well as retinal ophthalmologists. My right vision has been getting worse faster than my left and unfortunately not as satisfactorily correctable with optical prescription. Both my ophthalmologists (Harvard trained) confirm the onset of right cataract and predicted I’d need cataract surgery not too far in the distant future given my poor results on annual vision testing because at some point optical prescription won’t compensate for cataract impairment. But I found this recommendation difficult to accept and was skeptical. I’m a physician myself and they say doctors are the worse patients, hahaha. Therefore, I sought out the 2nd opinion of Dr. Stephanie Chan. I blocked off almost half a day of work and also had my wife drive me 30 minutes to get to her office so my eyes could be dilated. I brought Dr. Chan my medical records from my opthalmologists to review as well as my old Costco prescriptions. She patiently listened to my description of my history and problems, answered my questions, and wrote out a new prescription which I took to Costco to replace my old lens. Seeing is believing. With correction my left vision is now nearly 20/20 and my “bad” right vision is now 20/40. There’s no way I’m getting cataract surgery any time soon. I’m now able to drive confidently in low light at night. In hindsight, the Costco optometrist purposely limited my right prescription to avoid too large of a discrepancy between my left and right prescription which could lead to headaches & other side effects none of which I have with my new prescription. The Costco optometrist alluded to her concern but I thought she would nevertheless try her best to optimize my right vision but she didn’t and I didn’t know this. As a result both my opthalmologists were confounded & misled with the presence of early cataract (which everyone my age has some). I have Dr. Stephanie Chan to thank for literally opening my eyes.