I started balding, early. I never had a great hairline to begin with. My dad is bald and my mom's dad was bald. I started noticing my hairline receding around 20-21 but it escalated rapidly around 23-24. I tried to initially fight it with Proscar and Rogaine but was inconsistent (HUGE mistake). I WAS the biggest skeptic of hair transplants, until I talked with Josh, Dr. Bolton's correspondent. He is incredibly thorough and patient with you and explains the entire process from start to finish. I'm very skeptical in nature, but Josh explained everything in such a way to put my mind at ease with the entire procedure. I took the leap of faith last October, 2021 and am now 7 months in. Now, I wasn't completely bald, but I was well on my way there. I've never had an easy time accepting going completely bald. It just didn't sit well with me, ESPECIALLY if there is something I could do about it! The procedure itself isn't bad. They numb you up with lidocaine and give you snacks and drinks and you basically recline throughout the day and watch Netflix while the transplant is completed. Dr. Bolton is a straight shooter: he told me that most people need 2 transplants to be set for life. He was actually impressed how well I was covering up my bald spots because I was almost completely forehead bald minus a little patch in the front. I'm going to post each month of hair growth progress on here, starting with a picture from before the transplant to how I currently look. It's an 18 month process so I still have a good distance to go, but the results I've already experienced are LIFE CHANGING! I have confidence again. When I look in the mirror now I don't see a young man that got cursed with baldness at a young age. I see a guy that, according to my coworkers, looks about 23! (I'm 28 now btw). A couple very important things to keep in mind: in order to prevent further balding you HAVE to be consistent in taking both Rogaine and Finasteride, two FDA approved medications to almost halt hair loss. If you get a transplant done but don't take those medications daily, then you will continue to bald in the non transplanted areas. They take the grafts from the sides and back, which are resistant to DHT, the hormone responsible for male pattern baldness. That's why you see so many bald men with that little patch left in the sides and back: those were the only hairs that survived the balding onslaught. That being said, I've been on both Rogaine and Finasteride consistently since the transplant: Rogaine foam 2x/day and Finasteride 1x/day, and I'm happy to say, I've essentially halted my balding! My crown is fully intact and so is the back of my head. Okay, enough talking. Here's my photo from last October, 2021 on the left, and today, exactly 7 months from my procedure, on the right. I'll continue to post monthly updates as more and more hairs continue to pop up on my scalp. Dr. Bolton and his entire staff are changing lives for the better. If you're currently balding, or noticing your hair thinning, or are finding yourself fiddling with hairs to cover bald spots, or are wearing ball caps every time you go into public, I'VE BEEN THERE. I know what you're going through, and I can honestly say, there IS something you can do about it!! I hope to inspire some more people to take action because I feel young and invigorated and full of life again. Thank you, Dr. Bolton and his assistants. Thank you, Josh! You've changed my life for the better!!