LASIK surgery has made seeing clearly easy, starting from the second day after monovision surgery. In mid 40s, I was not able to see far, middle and computer distance before, my nearsightedness had even made computer reading blurry. After the surgery, all three problems are solved, the only compromise is near distance, e.g. looking at cell phone at less than half an arm’s distance. But the advantage of the surgery greatly outweighs the compromise. I enjoy the benefit daily, especially at work, that’s much more than the compromise of very short distance reading and having driving glasses at night for glare after the surgery. I had needed glasses for driving anyways for nearsightedness before the surgery. Dr. Wills is very experienced, the office is well run and organized. Monovision LASIK is a great choice for people who is over 40, who otherwise would have to use glasses or contact lens daily.