The Best ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
As a Dental Professional from another Practice, I’m Highly Impressed by Tomenko Family Dentistry, for 2 years I tried to use the CPAP Machine but I was never able to do it; it's so uncomfortable, so I went for The Sleep Apnea Dental Device; my first visit with Dr. Tomenko was excellent, she did such a thorough exam for my condition and she’s very knowledgeable, she answered my concerns and she went over with all the Benefits of different kinds of Sleep Apnea appliances, she took the time to pick the best appliance for me; she also recommended The Solea Laser Procedure that Dr. Kormann performed (2 sessions); it has changed my sleeping time in couple of days since the first time. Dr. Kormann is so gentle and she keeps giving instructions that make it easy to follow and achieve the goal.
I was still using the CPAP while waiting for my Dental Device but
I got my Dental Device yesterday and for sure I said Bye to the CPAP Machine forever.
Special thanks to Karen and Romina, you girls Rock!!!! I really appreciate the kindness and care you both performed while assisting the Doctors.
Iulia the Office Manager is great as the entire staff, fantastic atmosphere.
For sure, I highly recommend Dr. Tomenko and her Team for Sleep Apnea and any Dental Work.
Thank you for taking care of me.
Sara Castillo