Last updated on 1/19/2023 | Get latest review report for $1
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Source: Check DocInfo.Org for any disciplinary action against this provider.
Dr Mihalko and his team were great, the hospital staff has been outstanding, everyone from the person who cleaned my room to the various assistants and nurses have been attentive, enthusiastic, understanding, and unpressidentive in my care. They've worked well as a team and as individuals. I fell blessed to have had such caring professional attention to my every need. The Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare system obviously have a great training program in patient care and it is working. Surgery was hip revision on Tuesday and discharged Friday. Job well done by a talented team.
Had my kidney transplants here love the staff
The ICU Staff on the 4th floor AWESOME, thanks so much for doing everything for my Dad.
This is a wonderful doctors and nurses care about their patience 🙏
Work there. Its fun and my CO workers are nice and helpful
I was admitted to University Methodist, due to an electrocution from an overhead power line. From the moment the EMT’s brought me in I was cared for with the some of the best medical professionals I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with. From my intake nurses to the doctors, from the orderlies (Mr. Keith) to the nice lady that brought my food. I could not have asked for a better group of medical professionals to care for me. They went above and beyond in my time of need. I thank them very much. Now I would like to give a special shout out to my RN’s, without whom I wouldn’t have been as calm and cared for as I was. First is Ms. Gabriel RN (Gabby for short), she was the first RN I had the pleasure of meeting. She was my ER RN. She went above and beyond her station to make sure I was ok, calm, and that I had everything I could possibly need. As a 36 year old accident magnet, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting a lot of RN’s in my time. And I can count on 1 hand the number of times a person has exceeded my expectations. She takes first place on that list. I will forever remember the way she treated me like a person, not just a name on a chart. Second was my RN’s after I was admitted to a room. First being Mrs. Marivic RN in the evening and Ms. Taylor RN the next morning. These two ladies were very kind, nice, and showed that they truly cared about my health and recovery. They are amazing at what they do. Long story short, I’ve never had better care at a hospital, than I have a University Methodist. Thank you so much, to ALL OF THE STAFF. Sincerely Grateful, Cyrus Surratt
My daughter get the best care here!
I have had several stays at Methodist University Hospital and I have always had great care from the Doctors, to the person that brought me my meals. I know the last few months have been hard on everyone working in the health care industry and they are all overworked and stressed.
Es increíble
Great Doctors
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