Last updated on 9/6/2023 | Get latest review report for $1
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Source: Check DocInfo.Org for any disciplinary action against this provider.
Great folks and great care. I’ve been visiting since 2012. Beautiful facilities.
Great people! Clean facility. Always nice and accommodating. Caring and very informative.
The best Chiropractic practice in Nashville.
I cannot say enough good things about Dr. Bearden, Dr. Josh, and Action Spine & Joint. If I had not found Action Spine & Joint, I would have been headed to the surgery table. After months of constant pain from a herniated disc that did not improve with the chiropractic treatment I was receiving, I felt like surgery was the only option until I found Dr. Bearden. From the very beginning, he made sure I understood how my treatment would progress and what to expect. I appreciated that he urged me to have my wife come in so she would understand the treatment process as well. Since being treated by Dr. Bearden and Dr. Josh, my pain has gone away and I am feeling great. I have a new appreciation for chiropractic care and now realize the benefits of receiving the best care. I am lucky to have found Action Spine & Joint and avoided the surgery table. I have been amazed by the benefits from the care I have received. Thank you to Dr. Bearden, Dr. Josh, and all of the staff who have made me feel at home!
UPDATE : Almost three years later & this clinic is, without a doubt, the best in Nashville. Tina is able to squeeze my fiancé in at the last minute every time I call. I know this has to be frustrating for them, but she's always been super friendly & sweet! Even the doctors & their assistants are all professional, knowledgeable & nice. Definitely recommend!
Everyone at Action Chiropractic is amazing. I started coming here after having neck pain from a car accident in 2011. Both doctors in staff are great and quite knowledgeable in their fields.
Excellent care. Conservative and affordable treatment options!!
The best chiropractor I have ever been to! Dr. Bearded & Dr. Josh have both helped immensely in correcting my TMJ and teeth grinding through adjustments.
This was my first chiropractic experience and I loved it. Very clean place and very nice staff
I am 65 years old never been to chiropractic before seeking help as severe lower back pain was happing alot more often over then past 10 years. I have had 3 secession so far and I am pain free at the lower back at the belt line. I have lived with this area being a daily nuisance for a-lot years. My flexibility is improving also. I will update after 2 weeks of therapy as I plan on seeing if the strengthening allows me to play pain free g again. The staff I have had interaction with Ashley and William are a pleasure and very good at what they do. Dr. Beardon is a expert in his field.
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