Last updated on 8/29/2023 | Get latest review report for $1
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Dr. Greenbaum was very helpful and nice. He answered all my questions regarding my fractured wrist and surgery approach.
Saw Dr. Greenbaum today regarding significant knee pain. I brought my MRI and X-ray results for his review and recommendations. I found Dr. Greenbaum to be articulate, incredibly knowledgeable, and very candid. Unfortunately, the news was not good. After a lifetime of long distance running and road cycling, my knee cartridge was not in good shape. Dr. Greenbaum cut to the chase and gave me the necessary news on an appropriate treatment. I could not recommend a doctor any more than Dr. Greenbaum. He is an expert sports medicine physician and I would strongly recommend him for all your orthopedic needs. Thank goodness there are doctors like Dr. Greenbaum.
He helped our daughter with acl surgery. Excellent doctor and physio staff. He listens and explains what is happening and what is needed to recover.
I really do love Dr. Greenbaum and his office staff. He did take the time to answer all my questions and trust me I had a list. I was very nervous for my surgery but he gave me the feeling that I would be in competent hands. He removed three screws in my bone from 20 years ago. It was some work to get them out but he did it, I got them as a souvenir Scar does now look even nicer then it was. He also cleaned up my knee and we did stem cell injections in both knees. Happy to have found this great caring competent doc!!!
Most amazing, kind, knowledgeable surgeon. My daughter's shoulder is healing perfectly and she is on track to resume her sports and activities. I would highly recommend Dr Greenbaum to any of my friends or family.
Dr. Greenbaum is exceptional! I have seen my share of Orthopedic doctors over a life time of competitive athletic sports. I am 62 yr. old and started sports at ten years of age. I still snow ski and do equestrian jumping. He knew right away how my body functioned and the trouble spots. I came in for PRP injections for both of my shoulders and both knees. Usually this is painful and very uncomfortable. I was relieved as he did the procedure because I didn't feel the needles go in and the pain level was not to bad. I never had joint injects go so well. (My previous doctor had moved out of state so this was my first visit to Dr. Greeenbaum.) His staff was kind and reassuring and explained everything, they took really good care of me. I will be bringing my 92yr. old father in for his cortisone injections as I feel confident the doctor will take great care of him. Not only is he a first class doctor he is also easy going and takes his time. I am glad I found him because in the future if I need shoulder or knee surgery I will have him do it.
Dr. Greenbaum truly takes the time to listen to his patients. During my initial visit he was extremely thorough and detailed in explaining the results of my MRI images and reports. Lisa and Alicia are very friendly and personable. I have to say this is a rare experience when it comes to visiting Doctors offices these days. I just recently decided to cancel my surgery with another doctor due to the bureaucratic nightmare of trying to get medical staff to call me back among other issues. I left Dr. Greenbaum's office today almost is disbelief that this positive experience couldn't be real. After todays visit I am moving forward with Dr. Greenbaum and his wonderful staff and want to thank them for such a great experience.
I've been to several doctors regarding my knee issues and the response was always the same, " you need replacement surgery". Not one suggested any alternatives to surgery and at my age I didn't want to replace my knees and then have to do it again in the future when I was even older and more at risk for complications. Dr. Greenbaum was the only doctor who took the time to explain all of my alternative options AND discuss the possibility that my gout issues could also be causing my issues. Thank you very much!! I have already recommended another friend to Dr Greenbaum.
I had surgery with Dr. Greenbaum and woke up with no pain! He was professional, attentive , funny and full of energy and inspiration!
Back in December of 2021. I took a slip in the shower. Didn't think anything of it of course just shook it off and let it be. I scheduled an appointment with my previous Dr and got an Mri and found out I had a tear in my meniscus. I asked my Dr ok we're do we go from here he says we can't do Surgery your too young. Mind you I'm 41. He says all we do is cortisone shots. I said no I don't want that. I want to fix the problem not delay it. He said that's all we can do sorry. So I did what any other person would do put on a CVS knee brace and went back to work. Here we are august of 2022 and now my knee is hurting a lot. I knew if I went to my previous Dr nothing was gonna get done. So I went on Yelp and did my own research. I came across Dr Bradley Greenbaum. I called and scheduled an appointment. As soon as you walk in you are greeted with smiles. The reception area is very clean and you feel welcomed. I didn't even wait 10 minutes before tDr Greenbaum called me in. Just like all the previous reviews on here he actually listens to you. I tolld him about my meniscus tear and he asks ok what do you want to do? I said I want to fix it asap. He says ok let's submit it to your insurance and schedule a surgery date. I said "wow just like that no ifs no butts" . Ok kool. Surgery date is scheduled and my insurance denies it. Not medically necessary. Great back to square one. The only life saver if. my Dr calls them and shows them the mri scan and explains to them why I need to get this surgery done asap. I'm like ok back to the CVS brace lol. A few days later Anne the receptionist from Dr Greenbaum called me and I thought to tell me about the denial. She says no Dr Greenbaum got it approved and here is your surgery date. I was in shock. Who does that? That's unheard of. I have never heard of a Dr who goes the extra mile for their patients. Forever Blessed to have found you and very Grateful no words to describe how awesome this Dr really is. Surgery went very good. Was a little nervous at first because this was my first surgery ever. Went home and followed Dr GreenBaum instructions. I had to use the crutches for the first and only day. A few days later I changed my bandages and noticed that's all it was 2 little incisions on my knee. I went back the following week for a follow up to remove my sutures on my knee. He showed my 2 scans of before and after on my knee. Huge difference in a very good way. He said everything came out good. Just do your Physical Therapy. I am very happy, super grateful and blessed I found Dr Greenbaum. Everyone here is very nice and helpful. Thank you so much for everything you did for me.
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