Last updated on 9/19/2024 | Get latest review report for $1
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Dr Lee is a very caring and a great professional. He helped me with the treatment of fibroids. He was able to stabilize the size and stop the pain. I had never been through something like that and Dr. Lee made things easy and simple. Highly recommend.
If you are searching for a kind, talented and trust worthy acupuncturist, look no further!Don’t let “Sports” in the name fool you to think that the treatment here is just for athletes. Dr. Hon is wonderful at treating whatever you might need! I can highly recommend him for fertility treatments, as I became pregnant while in his care. I continued treatment throughout my pregnancy, and have been seeing him post partum as well. Dr. Hon is always able to tailor my treatment to whatever is most needed at the time.
Dr Lee has been fantastic in treating Carpal tunnel syndrome and chronic pain in my rotator cuff which led me to seek professional help. Of paramount concern was my desire to avoid surgery. I’ve been being treated twice weekly for several months. My shoulder is better than it’s been in years. My carpal tunnel is a work in progress and I have seen much improvement. I highly recommend Dr Lee to anyone living with pain.
I greatly respect Dr. Hon. I came in with a frozen shoulder on my left side and he helped me tremendously. I wish I knew him when I had my right side frozen. It took me 12 months of PT to resolve my right shoulder. But with the help of Dr.Hon, it got resolved in less than 3 months. He is patient and will not get you any unnecessary treatment. His approach to holistic health will stay with me forever! Thank you again Dr.Hon.
I have been getting treatment for about 3 months. Hon has really helped with my neck and shoulder pain. I also had a breakout of the shingles rash and my treatments plus the Chinese herbs Hon suggested helped tremendously.
My IVF doctor recommended Dr. Lee and I had almost 10 sessions with Dr. Lee during my IVF process. He is an amazing person and he is very knowledgeable. He always paid attention to details which I was providing and focused on my treatment. Finally I go pregnant and I have a 5 months old baby now. I definitely have plan to go back for some other issues which I am struggling with. I highly recommend him to those struggling with infertility.
Dr. Lee has helped me overcome neck, shoulder and jaw tension. I’m grateful for the acupuncture sessions which make an immediate impact to my well being.
I decided to try acupuncture after struggling with anxiety, fatigue, and loss of appetite for a long time. Dr.Lee helped me tremendously and I noticed an improvement in my overall health and mood within a few sessions. I appreciated how Dr. Lee was patient with me in understanding my situation and took the time to answer any questions I had, he is extremely knowledgeable and offers you a holistic solution to your concerns. I incorporated acupuncture as part of my self-care routine as I noticed the positive effects that Dr.Lee's sessions had on me. Thank you Dr. Hon Lee.
Hon helped me with back pain and some other health issues.
Dr, Lee is very knowledgeable and friendly. He answered all the questions/concerns. I am suffering from back pain and after he did my acupuncture treatment, he also gave me a list of what to do/eat to improve my condition and over all health. Clinic is clean and very peaceful. I highly recommended to people who are suffering from body pain or just want to improve their health. This is worth to try!
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