Last updated on 9/19/2024 | Get latest review report for $1
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Source: Check DocInfo.Org for any disciplinary action against this provider.
Over the last 8 months I have experienced frequent migraines. I started watching what I was eating and what might be affecting me. It started with aged cheeses, then alcohol of any kind, then tomatoes and vinegars. I was becoming more and more limited with what I could eat. I had successfully had AAT treatments in Colorado for allergies and was glad to find AAT treatments near me. I met with DeBritt and she determined that I was reacting to Tyramines and Amines. After just one treatment, I can now eat without fear of getting a migraine. Thank you DeBritt, I am so thankful to have found you!
I had a very nice appointment. I am optimistic to see the results of the AAT.
Had my first treatment here. All went well! All my questions & concerns got answered. I felt very at ease after my acne acupuncture treatment & can't wait to see how things turn out in the next 2 months.
DeBritt is absolutely incredible! I got the Rejuvenation Facial which includes acupuncture and she made me feel so comfortable and safe! She explained everything as she did it which eased any potential anxiety. I felt beyond incredible afterwards. Highly recommend!!
Noticed results right away from my acupuncture. Very impressed. Practitioner very knowledgeable and gentle. I have gone twice so far and feel refreshed and pampered after each session.
I've been searching for more natural ways to slow the aging process and Striving for Health is the perfect match! DeBritt is just wonderful--so kind and knowledgable. I have learned so much about how to care for me skin and also always feel pampered and cared for while I am there!
It’s rare to come across the services that DeBritt is offering. Not only is the entire holistic approach incredible - DeBritt uses products that she herself makes. What really makes her services unique is that she is SO knowledgeable and is open to share her wealth of expertise so that you can incorporate new techniques into your daily routine. Her demeanor is just so sweet and calming and can instantly put you at ease. 20/10 would recommend - especially if you are a first timer to holistic healing!
DeBritt’s work is revolutionary. In just two sessions my kids’ are no longer symptomatic to pollen and grass. We are blown away by the effectiveness of this treatment.
Extremely impressed with the service provided and am loving the results from my signature rejuvenating facial. Highly recommend!
Debritt is amazing. Her holistic approach to healing allergies has been a lifesaver. I highly recommend her services!!!
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All the information you see here is based on our analysis of internet reviews across the seven major review platforms most used by consumers during their healthcare provider selection. The platforms we selected are Google, WebMD, Yelp, HealthGrades, Facebook, RateMDs, and Vitals. The analysis algorithm uses the compiled data of average score, recency of reviews, number of reviews, and the sentiment expressed in the written comments. It then assigns weight to each parameter based on the available research on how consumers use reviews in their doctor selection process. This report is designed to help identify the doctors with the best overall review score in an area and does not reflect the doctors' competence.
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