7 Highly - Rated Psychiatrists in and Around Chicago, IL

(Backed by Patient Reviews and Ratings)

Feb 28, 2024


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All the information you see here is based on our analysis of internet reviews across the three major review platforms most used by consumers during their healthcare provider selection. The platforms we selected are Google, Yelp, Facebook RateMDs, WebMD, Vitals and HealthGrades. The analysis algorithm uses the compiled data of average score, recency of reviews, number of reviews, and the sentiment expressed in the written comments. It then assigns weight to each parameter based on the available research on how consumers use reviews in their doctor selection process. This report is designed to help identify the doctors with the best overall review score in an area and does not reflect the doctors' competence.

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We recognize the importance of reviews in your selection of a healthcare provider. While we strive to make the information in this report as accurate as possible, ScoreDoc makes no claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the contents of this report and is not liable for errors and omissions in the materials. ScoreDoc works with a 3rd party to collect data for generating this report. We encourage you to review the report for accuracy by visiting individual review platforms of doctors of interest based on their overall review score. We suggest you consider this report as initial input and independently verify all info before deciding on your healthcare provider.

Paul J. Capriotti, MD


3033 Ogden Ave, Lisle, IL 60532, United States

Dr. Capriotti is a Lisle, IL-based eminent physician with board certifications in psychiatry and neurology. According to his official website, he earned his medical degree from the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine and completed his residency at the Chicago Hospital.

He has earned a 4.4-star rating with 90% in positive sentiments from 53 patient reviews for the high-quality services that he has been providing since 2002 for mood, personality, bipolar, and sleep disorders, depression, schizophrenia, and ADHD.

Susan L. Bank, MD


1480 Renaissance Dr # 306, Park Ridge, IL 60068, United States

Dr. Bank is a top-rated licensed psychiatrist practicing in Park Ridge, IL. According to her official website, she treats only adults and provides both pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy services. She completed her medical education and training at Buffalo State University in 1992. 

She has received a 4.4-star rating with 88.57% in positive sentiments from 56 patient reviews for her expert skills and experience that spans nearly three decades. Her specialties include depression, anxiety disorders, attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder, and other adjustment disorders.

Tia Michaud, MD


1240 Iroquois Ave # 200, Naperville, IL 60563, United States

Dr. Mirchaud is among the highly-rated board-certified psychiatrists located in Naperville, IL. The popularity of her non-stereotypical and friendly approach to providing the best psychiatric and medical care is reflected in the 4.8-star rating and 82. 57% in positive sentiments that she has received from 56 patient reviews.

According to her official website, her areas of interest include attention deficit disorders (ADD & ADHD), depression, family dynamics and marital issues, bipolar disorder, anxiety and panic, borderline personality disorder, and PTSD.

Ali Syed, MD


1751 S Naperville Rd STE 207, Wheaton, IL 60189, United States

Dr. Syed is a vastly experienced board-certified psychiatrist in Wheaton, IL, with over 50 years of experience. According to his official website, he graduated from Dow Medical College in 1972 and completed his residency at Augusta Hospital Health Center. 

He has garnered a 4.3-star rating with 77.5% in positive sentiments from 89 patient reviews for his immense experience and expertise in treating adults and adolescents with a wide range of mental disorders including anxiety-phobic and depressive disorders, OCD, and bulimia nervosa.

Robert Grunsten, MD


3000 N Halsted St Suite 505, Chicago, IL 60657, United States

Dr. Grunsten is a leading board-certified psychiatrist based in Chicago, IL. According to his official website, after graduating from the University of Illinois College of Medicine in Chicago, he completed his residency at the Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center, Psychiatry.

His expertise in a wide range of mental health issues including panic disorders, attention deficit disorder- adult, obsessive-compulsive disorder, adjustment disorder, and depression has helped him receive a 4.5-star rating with 85.29% in positive ratings from 72 patient reviews.

Nagamani Pavuluri, MD


1500 N Halsted St, Chicago, IL 60642, United States

Dr. Pavuluri is a top-rated board-certified psychiatrist in Chicago, IL. Her dedication to improving the lives of children, teens, and families suffering from emotional, cognitive, and relationship issues, through her services as a child psychiatrist has earned her a 4.8-star rating with 96.15% in positive sentiments from 57 patient reviews.

Her official website describes her practice as a one-stop shop for mental health and behavioral health services. She prioritizes individual psychotherapy, mindfulness, and family therapy over the use of medications.

Brian McFaul, MD


1701 Woodfield Rd, Schaumburg, IL 60173, United States

Dr. McFaul is a highly-rated board-certified general adult and forensic psychiatrist practicing in Schaumburg, IL. According to his official website, after completing his residency at the University of Southern California, he gained added training in forensics, short-term psychodynamics psychotherapy, and inter-analytical couples therapy.

His expertise in anxiety disorders such as OCD, phobias, mood/bipolar disorders, PTSD, post-partum depression, somatic disorders, psychotherapy, and forensic/legal psychiatric issues has helped him receive a 4-star rating with 71.87% in positive sentiments from 100 patient reviews.

Top-Rated Specialist Psychiatric Care In and Around Chicago, IL, with ScoreDoc

The above list of the seven top-rated psychiatrists in and around Chicago, IL, is based on the reviews and ratings of their patients. If you need an assessment of another psychiatry specialist near you, fill up this formto allow us to send you a consolidated review scorecard of that physician to help you receive the best psychiatric treatment for your specific mental health needs.

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